Cryotech Deicing Technology

Encouraging Donations from All Locations

FORT MADISON, Iowa, February 11, 2010. - Cryotech Deicing Technology is once again gearing up for North Lee County's Relay for Life on September 25-26, 2010 at Fort Madison High School. The team consists of Cryotech employees that coordinate year round activities and events to raise money for the American Cancer Society. This year's fundraiser introduces a new way to donate online.

Cryotech now has a Charity Fusion account where anyone can turn everyday online purchases into donating. Visitors can take part in online shopping from a variety of different retailers. Charity Fusion has partnered with numerous retailers in the U.S. so that a percentage of all online purchases are donated directly to the fundraiser of our choice; American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Some retailers participating are: Best Buy, Macy's, Old Navy, Target, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Holiday Inn Express, just to name a few.

As a shopper, you pay no more than you would by purchasing directly through the merchant. By going through Cryotech's account at Charity Fusion, a portion of the purchase will be directly donated to our fundraiser. Please visit to purchase everyday items online, while contributing. This allows supporters from all over to help Cryotech raise money for a great cause.

American Cancer Society
With chartered divisions throughout the country and over 3,400 local offices, the American Cancer Society (ACS) is committed to fighting cancer through balanced programs of research, education, patient service, advocacy, and rehabilitation.

About Cryotech
Cryotech Deicing Technology is a division of General Atomics International Services Corporation, a San Diego based company specializing in energy-related research and product development. Cryotech manufactures and markets environmentally compatible acetate-based highway, commercial, and airport runway deicers, as well as glycol-based aircraft deicers. Each is considered safer for the environment because they readily biodegrade and exhibit low toxicity to vegetation and aquatic life.

For more information contact:
Tschudi Dinwiddie
Associate Marketing Coordinator
Cryotech Deicing Technology

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