Cryotech Deicing Technology

Cryotech LC17 Liquid Runway Deicer

Cryotech LC17®

Liquid Runway Deicer

AMS 1435

Cryotech LC17® is a potassium acetate-based liquid runway deicer that meets FAA-approved specifications for use by commercial airports and military bases. LC17 is non-persistent, readily biodegradable, and exhibits lower conductivity than commonly used liquid deicers.


  • Formulated specifically for low conductivity
  • Improved carbon brake compatibility by reducing catalytic oxidation (AIR 5567)
  • Reduced corrosion of cadmium plated parts and electrical conductivity in the airfield
  • Complimentary customer training upon request


  • Excellent anti-icing characteristics
  • Effective to -20°F (-29°C)


  • Formulated to be readily biodegradable
  • Does not contain urea
  • Recognized as "relatively harmless" by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife scale


  • Prewetting: Apply at spreader outlet at a rate of 1.25 gallons per 100 lbs (120 g/kg) of solid deicer, such as Cryotech NAAC®
  • Anti-icing:
    • 0.5 gallons/1000ft² (25 g/m²)
  • Deicing:
    • 1 gallon/1000ft² (50 g/m²) near 32°F (0°C) on thin ice.
    • 3 gallons/1000ft² (150 g/m²) below 10°F (-12°C) on 1 inch ice
  • Re-apply when new accumulation shows first tendency to bond
  • Plow and broom often to reduce fluid dilution